Paul Ransom
Senior Technical Expert
NTIA Office of Spectrum Management Strategic Planning Division
About Paul Ransom
Today, Ransom is a Senior Technical Expert in the Strategic Planning Division within the Office of Spectrum Management (OSM) at the NTIA. In this position, Ransom has many roles. Recently, Paul was appointed to the Spectrum Relocation Fund Technical Panel fulfilling the role of chairman. The Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012 directed NTIA to establish a Technical Panel with three members – with the Assistant Secretary of Commerce, the Director of the Office of Management and Budget and the Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission each appointing one member. The Tech Panel among other duties is responsible for review of federal agency transition plans for spectrum relocation or sharing and review of spectrum pipeline plans for research and development, engineering studies, economic activities and other activities intended to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of spectrum use. Other responsibilities include providing direct support to the development of the National Spectrum Strategy (NSS).