IEEE DySPAN sessions: Demos and Posters; Papers – Spectrum Access; Papers – Coexistence II

May 16, 2024 @ 9:30 am - 10:45 am

  • Monroe I, Monroe II, Washington I, Washington II, Washington III
  • DySPAN

About Session

These sessions are for IEEE DySPAN attendees only. These sessions are held concurrently from 9:30 – 10:45 a.m.

The IEEE DySPAN Tutorial – Learning-Aided mmWave/THz Communications and Sensing will be held in Washington I.

The IEEE DySPAN Papers Session A9 – Spectrum Access will be held in Washington II and III.

  • Design of a Reconfigurable Filtenna with Constant Bandwidth for Enhanced 5G mmWave Communication and Spectrum Coexistence
  • Fourier Meets Gardner: Robust Blind Waveform Characterization
  • Blind Signal Characterization: Transformers, Triplet Losses and Beyond
  • Toward Wireless System and Circuit Co-Design for the Internet of Self Adaptive Things

The IEEE DySPAN Papers Session B9 – Coexistence II will be held in Monroe I and II.

  • Modeling and Impact of 5G Aggregate Interference on Radar Performance
  • Dynamic Protection Zone for Radio Astronomy
  • Synthetic Diversity for Interference Mitigation in Widely Tunable Receiver Frontends