IEEE DySPAN Sessions: Demos and Posters, Papers ML I, and Papers Security and Privacy

May 15, 2024 @ 9:30 am - 10:30 am

  • Washington I, Washington II, Washington III
  • DySPAN

About Session

These sessions are for IEEE DySPAN attendees only.

These sessions take place between 9:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.

IEEE DySPAN Demos and Posters will be held in Washington I.

IEEE DySPAN Papers Session A5 – ML I will be held in Washington II and III.

  • Channel Estimation via Loss Field: Accurate Site-Trained Modeling for Shadowing Prediction
  • Domain Knowledge Powered Machine Learning for the Classification of LOS/NLOS Signals for Dedicated-Spectrum SAGIN Networks
  • Advancing RAN Slicing with Offline Reinforcement Learning

IEEE DySPAN Papers Session B5 – Security and Privacy will be held in Monroe I and II.

  • Preserving Data Privacy for ML-driven Applications in Open Radio Access Networks
  • Pri-Share: Enabling Inter-SAS Privacy Protection via Secure Multi-Party Spectrum Allocation
  • Anomaly Transmitter Recognition and Tracking