About Session
These sessions are for IEEE DySPAN attendees.
IEEE DySPAN Session B4 Papers – Regulations and Policy 1 will be held in Washington I.
- Analysis of a Self-Assessed Tax Model in Secondary Spectrum Markets
- Valuation of Flexible Spectrum Licensing for Local 6G with Varying Interference Levels
- A Hybrid DoD ENG 2025-2110 MHz Band Spectrum Sharing Approach
- A Survey of Policy Issues in Spectrum Sharing on the 12GHz Band
IEEE DySPAN Session A4 Papers – Measurement Campaigns will be held in Washington II and III.
- A Comprehensive Real-World Evaluation of 5G Improvements over 4G in Low- and Mid-Bands
- Two Measure is Two Know: Calibration-free Full Duplex Monitoring for Software Radio Platforms
- Geo2SigMap: High-Fidelity RF Signal Mapping Using Geographic Databases
IEEE DySPAN – Demos and Posters will be held in Monroe I and II.