NSF Spectrum Week: May 13 - 17, 2024
Join us for the second annual National Science Foundation (NSF) Spectrum Week 2024 will be held in Arlington, Virginia on May 13 – 17, 2024.
This week will bring together six major spectrum events: three major programs funded through the NSF Spectrum Innovation Initiative program (NRDZ, SpectrumX, and SWIFT), co-location with IEEE DySPAN 2024 to foster publication and dissemination of peer-reviewed research results, National Spectrum Management Association (NSMA) industry trade group will join their Annual Conference to the programming, and NITRD Wireless Spectrum R&D Interagency Working Group (WSRD IWG) will wrap up the week with a workshop on the National Spectrum R&D Plan.
Bundle NSF Spectrum Week access during checkout for SWIFT / NRDZ / SpectrumX attendees.
No IEEE DySPAN access. Intended for SWIFT / NRDZ / SpectrumX attendees.
Register here for Tuesday and Wednesday NSMA meeting. Use NSF Spectrum Week registration for all other days.
One Week, Six Events
SWIFT PI Meeting, NRDZCOM4, and the NSF SpectrumX Center Meeting. The National Spectrum Managers Association (NSMA) will join their annual programming with meeting. Stay tuned to learn more about each meeting’s agenda, including breakout sessions, poster sessions, a career fair, and evening gatherings to foster collaboration across the spectrum ecosystem.

SWIFT PI Meeting
NSF's fundamental research program in spectrum science and engineering. Includes: program and project updates, poster sessions to interact with each research team, and a community work activity.

NSF’s program to advance the use of dynamic spectrum sharing. Features multiple interactive discussion sessions and a community work activity.

SpectrumX Center Meeting
Featuring the world's largest academic hub where all radio spectrum stakeholders are invited to innovate, collaborate and contribute to research, policy engagement, and workforce development projects. SpectrumX will showcase center-funded research projects, host panel discussions, and foster community engagement through a career fair, poster sessions, and evening social gatherings.

IEEE International Symposium on Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks (DySPAN) 2024 unites industry experts, academics, and innovative minds from across the globe and serves as a platform for pioneering advancements and collaboration in the radio frequency spectrum realm. Brace yourself for engaging presentations, illuminating discussions, and networking opportunities unlike any before. Let's step into the future of spectrum technology together!

NSMA 2024 Annual Conference
National Spectrum Management Association (NSMA) annual conference's topics promise to be as diverse as its participants, and with increasing spectrum congestion, reallocation, sharing, and repurposing, it's more important than ever to understand the radio spectrum environment from all angles.

WSRD Workshop on the National Spectrum R&D Plan
As directed in the recent National Spectrum Strategy, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) is working through the NITRD Wireless Spectrum R&D Interagency Working Group (WSRD IWG) to develop the National Spectrum R&D Plan. This workshop is an opportunity for industry, academia, and the public to engage in dialog with the WSRD IWG authors on the potential content of that plan and follows a recent Request for Information. (Note: RFI Deadline is 3/21/2024)

Hilton Arlington National Landing
The Hilton Arlington National Landing is conveniently located near Washington D.C., minutes from Reagan National Airport.
Hotel Room Blocks:
- Non-SpectrumX Member Attendees: Book Here.
- SpectrumX Team Members Only: Request Rooms Here